
Install using helm

Step 1: Create the avi-system namespace:

kubectl create ns avi-system

Note: Starting AKO-1.4.3, AKO can run in namespaces other tha avi-system. The namespace in which AKO is deployed, is governed by the --namespace flag value provided during helm install (Step 4). There are no updates in any setup steps whatsoever. avi-system has been kept as is in the entire documentation, and should be replaced by the namespace provided during AKO installation.

Step 2: Add this repository to your helm CLI

helm repo add ako https://projects.registry.vmware.com/chartrepo/ako

Note: The helm charts are present in VMWare’s public harbor repository

Step 3: Search the available charts for AKO

helm search repo

ako/ako              	1.4.2        	    1.4.2      	        A helm chart for Avi Kubernetes Operator

Use the values.yaml from this chart to edit values related to Avi configuration. To get the values.yaml for a release, run the following command

helm show values ako/ako --version 1.4.2 > values.yaml

Values and their corresponding index can be found here

Step 4: Install AKO

helm install  ako/ako  --generate-name --version 1.4.2 -f /path/to/values.yaml  --set ControllerSettings.controllerHost=<controller IP or Hostname> --set avicredentials.username=<avi-ctrl-username> --set avicredentials.password=<avi-ctrl-password> --namespace=avi-system

Step 5: Check the installation

helm list -n avi-system

NAME          	NAMESPACE 	
ako-1593523840	avi-system

Uninstall using helm

Simply run:


helm delete <ako-release-name> -n avi-system

Note: the ako-release-name is obtained by doing helm list as shown in the previous step,

Step 2:

kubectl delete ns avi-system

Upgrade AKO using helm

Follow these steps if you are upgrading from an older AKO release.


Helm does not upgrade the CRDs during a release upgrade. Before you upgrade a release, run the following command to download and upgrade the CRDs:

helm template ako/ako --version 1.4.2 --include-crds --output-dir <output_dir>

This will save the helm files to an output directory which will contain the CRDS corresponding to the AKO version. To install the CRDS:

kubectl apply -f <output_dir>/ako/crds/


helm list -n avi-system

NAME          	NAMESPACE 	REVISION	UPDATED                             	    STATUS  	CHART    	APP VERSION
ako-1593523840	avi-system	1       	2020-09-16 13:44:31.609195757 +0000 UTC	    deployed	ako-1.3.1	1.3.1


Update the helm repo URL

helm repo add --force-update ako https://projects.registry.vmware.com/chartrepo/ako

"ako" has been added to your repositories

Note: From AKO 1.3.3, we are migrating our charts repo to VMWare’s harbor repository and hence a force update of the repo URL is required for a successful upgrade process from 1.3.3


Get the values.yaml for the latest AKO version

helm show values ako/ako --version 1.4.2 > values.yaml

Upgrade the helm chart

helm upgrade ako-1593523840 ako/ako -f /path/to/values.yaml --version 1.4.2 --set ControllerSettings.controllerHost=<IP or Hostname> --set avicredentials.password=<username> --set avicredentials.username=<username> --namespace=avi-system


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the AKO chart and their default values. Please refer to this link for more details on each parameter.

Parameter Description Default
ControllerSettings.controllerVersion Avi Controller version 18.2.10
ControllerSettings.controllerHost Specify Avi controller IP or Hostname nil
ControllerSettings.cloudName Name of the cloud managed in Avi Default-Cloud
ControllerSettings.tenantsPerCluster Set to true if user want to map each kubernetes cluster uniquely to a tenant in Avi false
ControllerSettings.tenantName Name of the tenant where all the AKO objects will be created in AVI. admin
L7Settings.shardVSSize Shard VS size enum values: LARGE, MEDIUM, SMALL, DEDICATED LARGE
AKOSettings.fullSyncFrequency Full sync frequency 1800
L7Settings.defaultIngController AKO is the default ingress controller true
ControllerSettings.serviceEngineGroupName Name of the Service Engine Group Default-Group
NetworkSettings.nodeNetworkList List of Networks and corresponding CIDR mappings for the K8s nodes. Empty List
AKOSettings.clusterName Unique identifier for the running AKO instance. AKO identifies objects it created on Avi Controller using this param. required
NetworkSettings.subnetIP Subnet IP of the data network required
NetworkSettings.subnetPrefix Subnet Prefix of the data network required
NetworkSettings.vipNetworkList List of Network Names for VIP network, multiple networks allowed only for AWS Cloud required
NetworkSettings.enableRHI Publish route information to BGP peers false
NetworkSettings.bgpPeerLabels Select BGP peers using bgpPeerLabels, for selective VsVip advertisement. Empty List
L4Settings.defaultDomain Specify a default sub-domain for L4 LB services First domainname found in cloud’s dnsprofile
L4Settings.autoFQDN Specify the layer 4 FQDN format default
L7Settings.noPGForSNI Skip using Pool Groups for SNI children false
L7Settings.l7ShardingScheme Sharding scheme enum values: hostname, namespace hostname
AKOSettings.cniPlugin CNI Plugin being used in kubernetes cluster. Specify one of: calico, canal, flannel required for calico setups
AKOSettings.logLevel logLevel enum values: INFO, DEBUG, WARN, ERROR. logLevel can be changed dynamically from the configmap INFO
AKOSettings.deleteConfig set to true if user wants to delete AKO created objects from Avi. deleteConfig can be changed dynamically from the configmap false
AKOSettings.disableStaticRouteSync Disables static route syncing if set to true false
AKOSettings.apiServerPort Internal port for AKO’s API server for the liveness probe of the AKO pod 8080
AKOSettings.layer7Only Operate AKO as a pure layer 7 ingress controller false
avicredentials.username Avi controller username empty
avicredentials.password Avi controller password empty
image.repository Specify docker-registry that has the AKO image avinetworks/ako

vipNetworkList, subnetIP and subnetPrefix are required fields which are used for allocating VirtualService IP by IPAM Provider module

Each AKO instance mapped to a given Avi cloud should have a unique clusterName parameter. This would maintain the uniqueness of object naming across Kubernetes clusters.