
This document outlines the object translation logic between AKO and the Avi controller. It’s assumed that the reader is minimally versed with both Kubernetes object semantics and the Avi Object semantics.

Service of type loadbalancer

AKO creates a Layer 4 virtualservice object in Avi corresponding to a service of type loadbalancer in Kubernetes. Let’s take an example of such a service object in Kubernetes:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: avisvc-lb
  namespace: red
  type: LoadBalancer
  - port: 80
    targetPort: 8080
    name: eighty
    app: avi-server

AKO creates a dedicated virtual service for this object in kubernetes that refers to reserving a virtual IP for it. The layer 4 virtual service uses a pool section logic based on the ports configured on the service of type loadbalancer. In this case, the incoming port is port 80 and hence the virtual service listens on this ports for client requests. AKO selects the pods associated with this service as pool servers associated with the virtualservice.

Service of type loadbalancer with preferred IP

Kubernetes’ service objects allow controllers/cloud providers to create services with user-specified IPs using the loadBalancerIP field. AKO supports the loadBalancerIP field usage where-in the corresponding Layer 4 virtualservice objects are created with the user provided IP. Example usage for this could look something like this:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: avisvc-lb
  namespace: red
  type: LoadBalancer
  - port: 80
    targetPort: 8080
    name: eighty
    app: avi-server

Avi does not allow users to update preferred virtual IPs bound to a particular virtualservice. Therefore in order to update the user preferred IP, it is required to re-create the Service object, failing which Avi/AKO throws an error. The following transition cases should be kept in mind, and for these, an explicit Service re-create with changed configuration is required.

Recreating the Service object deletes the Layer 4 virtualservice in Avi, frees up the applied virtual IP and post that the Service creation with update configuration should result in the intended virtualservice configuration.

DNS for Layer 4

If the Avi Controller cloud is not configured with an IPAM DNS profile then AKO will sync the Service of type Loadbalancer but an FQDN for the Service won’t be generated. However, if the DNS IPAM profile is configured the user has the choice to add FQDNs for Service of type Loadbalancer using the autoFQDN value feature.

AKO also supports the external-dns format for specifying layer 4 FQDNs using the annotation external-dns.alpha.kubernetes.io/hostname on the Loadbalancer object. This annotation overrides the autoFQDN feature for service of type Loadbalancer.

Insecure Ingress.

Let’s take an example of an insecure hostname specification from a Kubernetes ingress object:

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: my-ingress
    - host: myinsecurehost.avi.internal
        - path: /foo
            serviceName: service1
            servicePort: 80

For insecure host/path combinations, AKO uses a Sharded VS logic where based on the hostname value (myhost.avi.internal), a pool object is created on a Shared VS. A shared VS typically denotes a virtualservice in Avi that is shared across multiple ingresses. A priority label is associated on the poolgroup against it’s member pool (that is created as a part of this ingress), with priority label of myhost.avi.internal/foo.

An associated datascript object with this shared virtual service is used to interpret the host fqdn/path combination of the incoming request and the corresponding pool is chosen based on the priority label as mentioned above.

The paths specified are interpreted as STARTSWITH checks. This means for this particular host/path if pool X is created then, the matchrule can be interpreted as - If the host header equals myhost.avi.internal and path STARTSWITH foo then route the request to pool X.

Secure Ingress

Let’s take an example of a secure ingress object:

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: my-ingress
  - hosts:
    - myhost.avi.internal
    secretName: testsecret-tls
    - host: myhost.avi.internal
        - path: /foo
            serviceName: service1
            servicePort: 80
SNI VS per secure hostname

AKO creates an SNI child VS to a parent shared VS for the secure hostname. The SNI VS is used to bind the hostname to an sslkeycert object. The sslkeycert object is used to terminate the secure traffic on Avi’s service engine. In the above example the secretName field denotes the secret asssociated with the hostname myhost.avi.internal. AKO parses the attached secret object and appropriately creates the sslkeycert object in Avi. The SNI virtualservice does not get created if the secret object does not exist in Kubernetes corresponding to the reference specified in the ingress object.

Traffic routing post SSL termination

On the SNI VS, AKO creates httppolicyset rules to route the terminated (insecure) traffic to the appropriate pool object using the host/path specified in the rules section of this ingress object.

Redirect secure hosts from http to https

Additionally - for these hostnames, AKO creates a redirect policy on the shared VS (parent to the SNI child) for this specific secure hostname. This allows the client to automatically redirect the http requests to https if they are accessed on the insecure port (80).

Multi-Port Service Support

A kubernetes service can have multiple ports. In order for a Service to have multiple ports, kubernetes mandates them to have a name. Users could choose their ingress paths to route traffic to a specific port of the Service using this name. In order to understand the utility, consider the following Service:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
        run: my-svc
      - name: myport1
        port: 80
        protocol: TCP
        targetPort: 80
      - name: myport2
        port: 8080
        protocol: TCP
        targetPort: 8090
        run: my-svc
      sessionAffinity: None
      type: ClusterIP

In order to use this service across 2 paths, with each routing to a different port, the Ingress spec should look like this:

      - host: myhost.avi.internal
          - backend:
              serviceName: service1
              servicePort: myport1
            path: /foo
      - host: myhost.avi.internal
          - backend:
              serviceName: service1
              servicePort: myport2
            path: /bar

As you may note that the service ports in case of multi-port Service inside the ingress file are strings that match the port names of the Service. This is mandatory for this feature to work.

Namespace Sync in AKO

Namespace Sync feature allows the user to sync objects from specific namespace/s with Avi controller.

New parameters has been introduced as config options in AKO’s values.yaml. To use this feature, set the value of these parametes to a non-empty string.

Parameter Description Default
AKOSettings.namespaceSelector.labelKey Key used as a label based selection for the namespaces. empty
AKOSettings.namespaceSelector.labelValue Value used as a label based selection for the namespaces. empty

If either of the above values is left empty then AKO would sync objects from all namespaces with AVI controller. Any changes in values of these parameters will require AKO reboot.

Once user boots up AKO with this setting, user has to label a namespace with same key:value pair mentioned in values of labelKey and labelValues. For example, if user has specified values as labelKey:”app” and labelValue: “migrate” in values.yaml, then user has to label namespace with “app: migrate”.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
      creationTimestamp: "2020-12-04T13:20:42Z"
        app: migrate
      name: red
      resourceVersion: "14055620"
      selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/red
      uid: a424bf13-2f4a-4005-a84d-f2fb65acfda0
      - kubernetes
      phase: Active

AKO will sync all objects from correctly labelled namespace/s.

If the label of ‘red’ namespace is changed from “app: migrate” (valid) to “app: migrate1” (invalid), then following objects of ‘red’ namespace will be deleted from AVI controller

AKO will sync back objects of a namespace with AVI controller if namespace label is changed from an invalid lable to a valid label.

AKO created object naming conventions

In the current AKO model, all kubernetes cluster objects are created on the admin tenant in Avi. This is true even for multiple kubernetes clusters managed through a single IaaS cloud in Avi (for example - vcenter cloud). This poses a challenge where each VS/Pool/PoolGroup is expected to be unique to ensure no conflicts between similar object types.

AKO uses a combination of elements from each kubernetes objects to create a corresponding object in Avi that is unique for the cluster.

L4 VS names

The formula to derive a VirtualService (vsName) is as follows:

vsName = clusterName + "--" + namespace + "-" + svcName`

clusterName is the value specified in values.yaml during install. svcName refers to the service object’s name in kubernetes. namespace refers to the namespace on which the service object is created.

L4 pool names

The following formula is used to derive the L4 pool names:

poolName = vsName + "-" + listener_port`

Here the listener_port refers to the service port on which the virtualservice listens on. As it can be intepreted that the number of pools will be directly associated with the number of listener ports configured in the kubernetes service object.

L4 poolgroup names

The poolgroup name formula for L4 virtualservices is as follows:

poolgroupname = vsName + "-" + listener_port`
Shared VS names

The shared VS names are derived based on a combination of fields to keep it unique per kubernetes cluster. This is the only object in Avi that does not derive it’s name from any of the kubernetes objects.

ShardVSName = clusterName + "--Shared-L7-" + <shardNum>

clusterName is the value specified in values.yaml during install. “Shared-L7” is a constant identifier for Shared VSes shardNum is the number of the shared VS generated based on hostname based shards.

Shared VS pool names

The formula to derive the Shared VS pool is as follows:

poolName = clusterName + "--" + priorityLabel + "-" + namespace + "-" + ingName

Here the priorityLabel is a combination of the host/path combination specified in each rule of the kubernetes ingress object. ingName refers to the name of the ingress object while namespace refers to the namespace on which the ingress object is found in kubernetes.

Shared VS poolgroup names

The following is the formula to derive the Shared VS poolgroup name:

poolgroupname = vsName

Name of the Shared VS Poolgroup is the same as the Shared VS name.

SNI child VS names

The following is the formula to derive the SNI child VS names:

vsName = clusterName + "--" + sniHostName
SNI pool names

The formula to derive the SNI virtualservice’s pools is as follows:

poolName = clusterName + "--" + namespace + "-" + host + "_" + path + "-" + ingName

Here the host and path variables denote the secure hosts’ hostname and path specified in the ingress object.

SNI poolgroup names

The formula to derive the SNI virtualservice’s poolgroup is as follows:

poolgroupname = clusterName + "--" + namespace + "-" + host + "_" + path + "-" + ingName

Some of these naming conventions can be used to debug/derive corresponding Avi object names that could prove as a tool for first level trouble shooting.

Pool pkiprofile names

The formula to derive the pool’s PKIprofile is as follows:

pkiprofilenam = poolName + "-pkiprofile"

NodePort Mode

Insecure and Secure Ingress/Routes in NodePort mode

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: service1
  namespace: default
  type: NodePort
  - port: 80
    targetPort: 8080
    nodePort: 31013
    name: eighty
    app: avi-server

In NodePort mode, Service service1 should be of type NodePort. There is no change in naming of the objects of VS and pool. AKO populates the Pool server object with node_ip:nodeport. If there are 3 nodes in the cluster with Internal IP being,, and assuming that there’s no node label selectors used, AKO populates pool server as:,,

If service1 is of type ClusterIP in NodePort mode. Pool servers will be empty for ingres/route referring to the service.

Service of type loadbalancer In NodePort mode

Service of type LoadBalancer automatically creates a NodePort. AKO populates the pool server object with node_ip:nodeport.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: avisvc-lb
  namespace: red
  type: LoadBalancer
  - port: 80
    targetPort: 8080
    nodePort: 31013
    name: eighty
    app: avi-server

In the above example, AKO creates a dedicated virtual service for this object in kubernetes that refers to reserving a virtual IP for it. If there are 3 nodes in the cluster with Internal IP being,, and assuming that there’s no node label selectors used, AKO populates pool server as:,,

NodePortLocal Mode

With Antrea as CNI, there is an option to use NodePortLocal feature using which a Pod can be directly reached from an external network through a port in the Node. In this mode, Like serviceType NodePort, ports from the kubernetes Nodes are used to reach application in the kubernetes cluster. But unlike serviceType NodePort, with NodePortLocal, an external Load Balancer can reach the Pod directly without any interference of kube-proxy.

To use NodePortlocal, the feature has to be enabled in the feature gates of Antrea. After that, the eligible Pods would get tagged with an annotation nodeportlocal.antrea.io, for example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
   nodeportlocal.antrea.io: '[{"podPort":8080,"nodeIP":"","nodePort":40002}]'

In AKO, this data is obtained from Pod Informers, and used while populating Pool Servers. For instance, in this case for the eligible pool, a server would be added with IP address and port number 40002. All other objects would be created in Avi, similar to clusterIP mode.

To use NodePortLocal in standalone mode in Antrea without AKO, users have to annotate a service to make the backend Pods(s) eligible for NodePortLocal. In AKO, this is automated and the user does not have to annotate any service. AKO would annotate the services matching any one of the following criteria:

For the Openshift objects: Openshift