
GSLBConfig for AMKO

A CRD has been provided to add the GSLB configuration. The name of the object is GSLBConfig (short name is gc) and it has the following parameters:

apiVersion: "avilb.k8s.io/v1alpha1"
kind: "GSLBConfig"
  name: "amko-gc"
  namespace: "avi-system"
    credentials: gslb-avi-secret
    controllerVersion: 20.1.1
    - clusterContext: cluster1-admin
    - clusterContext: cluster2-admin
  refreshInterval: 1800
  logLevel: "INFO"
  useCustomGlobalFqdn: false
  1. apiVersion: The api version for this object has to be avilb.k8s.io/v1alpha1.
  2. kind: the object kind is GSLBConfig.
  3. name: Can be anything, but it has to be specified in the GDP object.
  4. namespace: By default, this object must be created in avi-system.
  5. gslbLeader.credentials: A secret object has to be created for (helm install does that automatically) the GSLB Leader cluster. The username and password have to be provided as part of this secret object.
  6. gslbLeader.controllerVersion: The version of the GSLB leader cluster.
  7. gslbLeader.controllerIP: The GSLB leader IP address or the hostname along with the port number, if any.
  8. memberClusters: The kubernetes/openshift cluster contexts which are part of this GSLB cluster. See here to create contexts for multiple kubernetes clusters.
  9. refreshInterval: This is an internal cache refresh time interval, on which syncs up with the AVI objects and checks if a sync is required.
  10. logLevel: Define the log level that the amko pod prints. The allowed levels are: [INFO, DEBUG, WARN, ERROR].
  11. useCustomGlobalFqdn: If set to true, AMKO will look for AKO HostRules to derive the GslbService name using the local to global fqdn mapping. If set to false (default case), AMKO ignores AKO HostRules and uses the default way of deriving GslbService names by just looking at the local fqdn in the ingress/route/service type LB. See Local and Global Fqdn.
