
AKO: Avi Kubernetes Operator


AKO runs as a POD inside the Kubernetes cluster.


To Run AKO you need the following pre-requisites:

Note: We only support helm 3

Install using helm

For instructions on installing AKO using helm please use this link


Read more about AKO CRDs

AKO in Openshift Cluster

AKO can be used in openshift cluster to configure Routes and Services of type Loadbalancer. For details about how to use AKO in an openshift cluster and features specific to openshift refer here.

Using NodePort mode

Service of type NodePort can be used to send traffic to the pods exposed through Service of type NodePort.

This feature supports Ingress/Route attached to Service of type NodePort. Service of type LoadBalancer is also supported, since kubernetes populates NodePort by default. AKO will function either in NodePort mode or in ClusterIP mode.

A new parameter serviceType has been introduced as config option in AKO’s values.yaml. To use this feature, set the value of the parameter to NodePort.

Parameter Description Default
configs.serviceType Type of Service to be used as backend for Routes/Ingresses ClusterIP
nodeSelectorLabels.key Key used as a label based selection for the nodes in NodePort mode. empty
nodeSelectorLabels.value Value used as a label based selection for the nodes in NodePort mode. empty

Kubernetes populates NodePort by default for service of type LoadBalancer. If config.serviceType is set to NodePort, AKO would use NodePort as backend for service of type Loadbalancer instead of using Endpoints, which is the default behaviour with config.serviceType set as ClusterIP.

AKO in Public Clouds

Please refer to this page for details on support for ClusterIP mode for GCP and Azure IaaS cloud in Avi Controller.

Tenancy in AKO

Please refer to this page for support in AKO to map each kubernetes / OpenShift cluster uniquely to a tenant in Avi.

Networking/v1 Ingress Support

Please refer to this page for details on how AKO supports and implements networking/v1 Ingress and IngressClass.

AKO objects

Please refer to this page for details on how AKO interprets the Kubernetes objects and translates them to Avi objects.


For some frequently asked question refer here